Previous Version History

Version history:

0.1 (7/13/22):

-Very basic functionality and rooms. Map, sprites, sounds and dialogue unpolished/unfinished.

-Literally just to check if this works and to figure out itch,io lol

Beta (7/26/22):

-Just shy of the full game, includes most things other than a few characters.

-Current build has 9 characters, the four 4 suit rooms with 4 subsuit rooms, dialogue for mostly everything interactable (though not everything), 2 possible endings and secrets to find.

-Some characters still have placeholder portrait/overworld sprites. Inquisitor included.

-Clubs room missing ambiance music -----------------------------------------------------------------

1.0 (7/31/22):

-15 OC's in the game with full dialogue routes!

-2 Possible endings

-Dozens of interactable objects

-4 suit rooms with a subroom in each of them

-Other fun secret stuff lol

-Build is missing Apsen finalized sprites for Amber & Samson...will do mini-update with them later and any other small things that need adjusting (Any small bugs, grammer/spelling mistakes found, ETC)


1.1 (7/31/22):

-Amber now has proper sprites

-Curtain bug fixed

-Luci softloft fixed

-Pie & Orlando event's now properly reset speed

-Dialogue tweaked in some areas

-Quality of life changes for statue

-Aloyisus & Sage sprites updated (They had their placeholders in a specific situation by accident)

-Ending 2 has a new ending picture


1.2 (8/6/22): 

-Updated certain objects that weren't interactable (Such as wine barrels in the hearts room, the rightmost prisoner in the clubs room, ETC)

-Some in game text was updated (better grammer, spelling, etc)

-The player can now dance with Orlando with new dialogue upon interacting with him and picking Inquisit a second time.

-New affects were added to make it more clear which bookcase Sage and Samson are referring too upon unlocking additional readable content through their interactions.

-Reading about Yuputka lore no longer repeats the disclaimer each time the window is opened.

-Added special functionality to the leftmost bookshelf in the Diamonds room. It now displays certain in game variables and statistics to the player.

-Game now better keeps track of The Inquisitor's fullness. New event happens if The Inquisitor reaches max fullness (9)

-Pasta night has been adjusted as so The Inquisitor does not always eat the cake and pasta and gain fullness upon replaying the event.

-Statue in the Diamonds subroom is now properly rigged (This change was in 1.1 but did not actually work)

-Statue now does not display wrong information about controls

-Fixed the game breaking if the player somehow manages to defeat a certain enemy, instead a new interaction occurs. 

-Fixed Planchette having an incorrect portrait on one of her sprites

-Fixed a bug in which the player was unable to stop speaking with Sanjin unless they Inquisited him.

-Fixed a bug in which talking to Rot at certain angles would softlock the player.


ArtFight(1.2).rar 332 MB
Aug 06, 2022
Aug 06, 2022
ArtFight(1.1).rar 332 MB
Jul 31, 2022
ArtFight(1.1).zip 345 MB
Jul 31, 2022
ArtFightGame.rar 122 MB
Jul 31, 2022 136 MB
Jul 31, 2022

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